The solution rounded to ten is yours. If the number of credit hours is not specified then the sum of the marks for all subjects must be divided by the number of subjects for calculation. As you can see the calculation results are slightly different. How to Calculate Average Score for Admission Abroad Also read US Admissions Test Checklist Study Abroad in the UK How to Calculate The UK grading system is different from the US and most European countries. Students in the UK receive honors diplomas of varying degrees. The following table is the correspondence between the degree of distinction and grade in the alphabet system. The degree of difference is the literal equivalent of the first class.
Honors students must graduate with honors for a success rate. Such markings will be an advantage when applying for admission. The success rate of the upper and second class honors is . There is a good chance of being admitted to a UK university. B Lower Second Class Honors Diploma has a success Singapore WhatsApp Number List rate of three or even two students at A level. The result is not as prestigious as the first two but is accepted in some educational programs. Third Class Honors This degree is awarded to students who complete their studies with a high success rate. Formally, the score is considered a pass, but it will be very difficult for students to compete with others. If the overall success rate is lower than .
Sub-files will no longer be accepted. Din order to transfer Ukrainian marks correctly to the UK system it is best to find instructions on the university website or contact a . How to calculate the average score for admission in Germany is derived in Germany using the so-called Bavarian formula where is the highest score for your country is the lowest possible score for completing the exam and is current in all subjects. At the same time, according to this formula, the highest is the lowest. Let us calculate the average scores of the four grades in German universities based on the previous example.