Together with Marcin we have always wanted to work in such a culture and we have strived to achieve this with our actions even though we have not been able to name it yet. Martin two years ago. Agile is mainly about highlighting what doesn't work in an organization. And when we started talking about what works and what to improve he was such an overwhelming moment. Because suddenly there was a pile of problems on the table that needed to be addressed somehow. But thanks to the fact that it appeared we were able to prioritize.
First we defined the problems second we arranged a hierarchy of importance and started to solve them one by one. Seeing that all this started to happen and the effects came pretty quickly I thought that maybe this Agile is not a whatsapp mobile number list utopia at all but maybe it can actually work. And that was a moment of “going to the bright side” for me. Carolina It's definitely worth mentioning that Agile is hard to implement . We did not have people in the company who had previously worked in such a culture. Everyone came with their baggage of experience. Well people are used to a certain way of working. And when we come to them and tell them that it will be different now there is always resistance. Changes are not easy.
Making teams feel that this is good and important and real and not just empty slogans on the wall is probably the biggest job. And it's a job that in my opinion continues to this day. We are constantly hiring new people who have this different baggage of experience and it is a constant effort to make everyone feel comfortable. Martin Even the Scrum Guide says that scrum is simple but not easy. You can talk about it for hours it may sound very nice but when you start working with it it turns out that there are a lot of challenges. However the most important thing is not to pass by these challenges but to name them and take them . Agility strongly supports the culture of experimentation .